Terms & Conditions

Flag Hosts, Subscribers, and One-Time Contributors

Thank you for considering becoming a flag host, an ongoing subscriber, or a one-time contributor with Project Rainbow! We are thrilled to have your support and commitment to our mission of fostering visibility and inclusion for LGBTQ+ members of our community. By participating in our flag campaigns, ongoing subscriber programs, or through one-time contributions, you are helping us make a lasting impact across various programs and events in Utah.

1. Authorization

The address you provide for us to stake flags must be either your own home, business, or other property where you have explicit consent from the appropriate party, such as a friend, family member, neighbor, landlord, or relevant authority, for our flags to be staked. By providing this address, you are offering space to further promote LGBTQ+ visibility as part of your contribution to our mission. Signing up for unauthorized addresses puts our volunteers at risk and is a violation of these terms and conditions, which may result in the termination of your subscription, your ability to contribute, or your future participation in campaigns.

2. Subscription & Contribution Options

a. Monthly Subscriptions

By choosing a monthly subscription, you agree to donate the amount specified on the sign-up page on a monthly basis. Your subscription will automatically renew each month on the date you signed up. You may cancel your subscription at any time by logging into your account and canceling the subscription.

b. Annual Subscriptions

By choosing an annual subscription, you agree to donate the amount specified on the sign-up page on a yearly basis. Your subscription will automatically renew each year on the date you signed up. You may cancel your subscription at any time by logging into your account and canceling the subscription.

c. One-Time Contribution

By choosing a one-time contribution, you agree to donate the amount specified on the contribution page as a single, non-recurring payment. Your contribution will be processed immediately, and no further charges will be made unless you choose to make another contribution in the future. You will receive a receipt for your donation via email, and the contribution is non-refundable once processed.

3. Payment

a. Payment Method

You may choose to pay with a credit card, debit card, or electronic check. By providing payment information, you authorize us to charge your chosen payment method for your subscription or one-time contribution.

b. Failed Payments

If your payment fails for any reason, we will attempt to notify you via email and will attempt to process your payment again. If we are unable to process your payment after multiple attempts, your subscription or one-time contribution may be automatically canceled.

4. Tax Deductible Donations

Donations to Project Rainbow, including participation in our flag campaigns, are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. We will provide you with a receipt for tax purposes via email after your donation has been processed. Please note you will not receive a separate tax notice from us unless the total amount of your calendar year donations exceeds $250.

Project Rainbow Utah considers the flags provided during the campaign period to have negligible fair market value. By contributing, donors are not only supporting our mission but also providing space to display flags that promote LGBTQ+ visibility and inclusivity. The flags are offered as tokens of appreciation, not as goods in exchange for the donation. Donors are encouraged to consult with their tax advisors to determine the deductibility of their contributions.

5. Changes to Subscriptions

If you need to change the amount of your monthly or annual subscription, you can do so by logging into your account and making the changes. Changes will be effective immediately.

6. Refunds

All donations, including subscriptions and one-time contributions, are non-refundable.

7. Privacy & Communications

We respect your privacy and will not sell or share your information with any third parties. You authorize us to share your basic contact information (name, phone number) with our volunteers for the purpose of contacting you during the flag staking process should issues arise. For further details, please refer to our Unified Communication and Privacy Policy, which governs how we collect, use, and protect your personal information.

8. Termination

We reserve the right to terminate your subscription, future participation, or contribution eligibility at any time if you violate any of these terms and conditions or if we are unable to process your payment.

9. Definitions

Flag Hosts, Subscribers, and One-Time Contributors Terms & Conditions

This document governs the relationship between Project Rainbow Utah (PRU) and individuals or entities who engage with PRU in the capacity of Flag Hosts, Subscribers, or otherwise Contributors to a campaign. It outlines the rights, responsibilities, and expectations of all parties. For the purposes of this document, the terms “Flag Hosts, Subscribers, and One-Time Contributors Terms & Conditions,” “Flag Host Terms,” “Subscriber Terms,” and “Contributors Terms & Conditions” may be used interchangeably.

Flag Host

A Flag Host is an individual or entity that agrees to receive, display, and maintain flags provided by Project Rainbow Utah. Flag Hosts are responsible for ensuring that flags are properly staked and displayed respectfully in the spirit of pride. A Flag Host may be a Subscriber or Contributor, attests to the authorization and all agreements in this policy, and must promptly notify us of any issues, undelivered flags, theft, vandalism, or flags not retrieved via our online form.


A Subscriber refers to an individual or entity who signs up for recurring financial contributions, to Project Rainbow Utah for an Ongoing Flag Subscription. Subscribers may receive regular communications, updates, and opportunities to engage in PRU events and campaigns, such as flag-staking or community-building initiatives.


A Contributor is any individual or entity that provides financial (one-time or subscription based) or in-kind contributions that support the mission of Project Rainbow Utah wether as a part of a Flag Campaign or not. Contributors may receive regular communications, updates, and opportunities to engage in PRU events and campaigns, such as flag-staking or community-building initiatives.

Terms and Conditions

The Terms and Conditions refer to the legally binding rules and obligations set forth in this document that govern the participation of Flag Hosts, Subscribers, and Contributors in Project Rainbow Utah’s campaigns and activities. These terms ensure that all parties understand their roles, responsibilities, and any limitations of liability.

Thank you again for your support of Project Rainbow. If you have any questions about our ongoing subscriber program, please don't hesitate to contact us.