Spread Love.
Raise Funds.
Ongoing Flag Subscription
Monthly Subscription
Ongoing subscribers will continue receiving flags for all our campaigns as long as their monthly enrollment is active. This includes:
March Transgender Day of Visibility (TDoV)
June SLC Pride Week
November Transgender Awareness Week & Day of Remembrance (TDoR)
Participants will be billed for donations monthly, with charges recurring each month on the date of sign-up.
Annual Subscription
All the benefits of the Monthly option with just a single donation per year. Annual subscribers will continue to receive flags for all campaigns as long as their enrollment is active, ending one year after the last date of enrollment. This includes:
March Transgender Day of Visibility (TDoV)
June SLC Pride Week
November Transgender Awareness Week & Day of Remembrance (TDoR)
Participants will be billed for donations annually, with charges recurring each year on the date of sign-up. Recurring donors have the option to receive mailed standard-sized or garden-sized flags in lieu of our staked flags!
Manage Your Account
Update billing information, change flag staking address, or cancel your subscription by clicking the link below.
Have questions? Visit our Donation Processing FAQs.