We rely on hundreds of volunteers throughout Utah to make, stake, and take down thousands of pride flags each year. We have volunteer opportunities throughout the year for individuals or large groups, across a range of activities. Join our volunteer list below to be notified of upcoming opportunities.
Upcoming Events
Trans Awareness Week & Day of Remembrance Flag Campaign
Please join us in making this flag campaign a success! We need your help to stake up to 1,500 flags across Northern Utah (Logan to Provo, Tooele to Park City).
Flag staking: Sunday, November 10th, from 10am - 4pm
Flag pickup: November 22nd - 24thFlags will be picked up from either Logan, Ogden, Salt Lake, or Provo. Most routes have between 10-20 flags and take around 2 hours to complete! Flags are ~6 feet long and can fit in any vehicle (including sedans etc as long as they have folding rear seats). You'll be provided rebar, a mallet, and gloves to complete your route and an app that provides easy access to the stops on your route.
What if I am unable to do both dates?
No problem, please indicate that below in this form and we will find someone to cover your route!What if I don't have a car?
We also have work that can be done virtually (such as helping with route building, social media support, communicating with volunteers etc) and shifts at our headquarters (near Pioneer Park) for those who do not have a vehicle!