Project Rainbow Talks Proposed Pride Flag Ban With ACLU Utah and RadioACTive
Jacey Thornton, Executive Director for Project Rainbow, joined Aaron Welcher, Director of Communication for ACLU Utah, to speak with RadioACTive about a recent update to House Bill 77, a ban on pride flags in elementary schools recently expanded to include all government property in Utah.
This move harms the rights of everyone in a rush to restrict the LGBTQ+ community’s access to public spaces. By expanding the ban to all government property, the bill could have a direct impact on Project Rainbow’s ability to provide flags to our partners for important displays like the Transgender Day of Remembrance memorial at the Salt Lake City and County Building, as well as other displays at public parks and college campuses for pride festivals, parades, Trans Day of Visibility and more.
Click here to listen to the interview with KRCL. The segment begins at the 13:45 mark.
Our goal is to drench Utah homes and businesses in pride flags for Trans Day of Visibility in March. Regardless of whether this bill passes, signing up for a flag helps send a message that trans people have allies in the Beehive State. Each flag also helps us raise money for our Community Grant Fund, which provides funding for inclusive workshops, events, and programming all across the state.
We are less than 100 flags away from setting a new record for our Trans Day of Visibility campaign. Please consider signing up today!